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使用C++在虚幻引擎5中创建一个快节奏、有竞争力的多人射击游戏!你会学到什么通过配对会话连接互联网上的玩家创建一个插件,将任何虚幻引擎项目转换为多人游戏虚幻引擎中的程序多人配对学习快节奏、竞争性射击游戏的复制技术通过最小化带宽和最大化性能来优化网络代码包括客户端预测和服务器端倒带的多人游戏延迟补偿技术多种武器,包括手枪、SMG、突击步枪、猎枪、狙击步枪、火箭发射器、榴弹发射器和投掷手榴弹拾取包括盾牌,生命,速度,跳跃和弹药拾取蹲下,瞄准,跳跃,扫射,装弹和投掷,都在多人游戏中进行带有生命值和盾牌条、弹药计数、比分和失败以及游戏计时器的工作HUD自定义游戏模式,自定义比赛状态,以及多人游戏中核心职业的使用了解游戏模式、游戏状态、玩家状态、玩家控制器、棋子、角色和演员在多人游戏中的工作方式创建自己的子系统来管理在线会话了解虚幻引擎在线子系统,并使用它通过任何在线服务(如Steam)编写多人游戏显示公告包括:谁淘汰了谁,谁赢得了比赛,获胜的队伍,倒计时定时器自定义比赛状态:在热身阶段飞来飞去,在冷却阶段显示获胜者MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译) |时长:100节课(24小时51分钟)|大小解压后:16.2 GB要求C++基础知识(变量、函数、指针、类)至少有一些虚幻引擎的经验——创建组件、功能和蓝图(选修我的一门其他课程!)描述* *超过50小时的内容-更多内容仍在上传中!**在这个全面的C++课程中学习所有关于虚幻引擎多人游戏的知识。从零开始,我们创建一个完整的多人射击游戏,能够创建和加入游戏会话,并通过互联网连接许多玩家。我们将创建我们自己的自定义插件,可以添加到任何虚幻引擎项目中,轻松地将它变成一个多人游戏。Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter我们学习如何优化我们的游戏以获得最佳性能,因为竞技射击运动员需要尽可能高的性能。我们将实现滞后补偿技术,如客户端预测和服务器端倒带,这样游戏即使在高滞后的情况下也能流畅运行!我们学习如何为每个多人玩家使用合适的游戏职业。自定义比赛状态,热身/冷却比赛计时器,Elim公告,HUD与健康,盾牌,弹药和手榴弹,以及更多!我们在服务器上保留所有重要的功能,以防止作弊,并学习如何正确使用玩家控制器、游戏模式、游戏状态、玩家状态、角色和游戏实例类。我们制造突击步枪,手枪,冲锋枪,火箭筒,榴弹发射器,狙击步枪和投掷手榴弹!所有功能在多人游戏中,优化为最佳性能。学完本课程后,你将能够创建任何你想要的多人游戏。如果你能做好一个快节奏的射手,你就能做好任何游戏,因为快节奏、竞技性的游戏需要尽可能好的表现。这门课程是给谁的那些希望制作多人游戏的人那些希望将现有项目转换为多人游戏的人那些想做一个竞技性多人游戏的人希望学习多人游戏编程的人希望了解多人游戏优化的人那些希望了解AAA射击游戏使用的滞后补偿技术的人那些希望学习虚幻引擎的多人游戏代码库的人,这样他们就可以制作任何他们想要的多人游戏


2022-12-20 17:58:32,最后更新于 2年前



1. Introduction 2. About this Course 1. Multiplayer Concepts 2. Testing Multiplayer 3. LAN Connection 4. Online Subsystem 5. Online Sessions 6. Configure For Steam 7. Accessing the Online Subsystem 8. Creating a Session 9. Setup for Joining Game Sessions 10. Steam Regions 11. Joining the Session 12. Creating a Plugin 13. Creating our Own Subsystem 14. Session Interface Delegates 15. The Menu Class 16. Accessing our Subsystem 18. Create Session 19. Callbacks to our Subsystem Functions 20. More Subsystem Delegates 21. Join Sessions from the Menu 22. Tracking Incoming Players 24. Path to Lobby 25. Polishing the Menu Subsystem 2. Project Creation 5. Testing an Online Session 7. Assets 9. Retargeting Animations 10. Blaster Character 11. Camera and Spring Arm 12. Character Movement 13. Animation Blueprint 14. Seamless Travel and Lobby 15. Network Role 1. Weapon Class 2. Pickup Widget 3. Variable Replication 4. Equipping Weapons 5. Remote Procedure Calls 6. Equipped Animation Pose 7. Crouching 8. Aiming 9. Running Blendspace 10. Leaning and Strafing 11. Idle and Jumps 12. Crouch Walking 13. Aim Walking 14. Aim Offsets 15. Applying Aim Offsets 16. Pitch in Multiplayer 17. Using our Aim Offsets 18. FABRIK IK 19. Turning in Place 20. Rotate Root Bone 21. Net Update Frequency 22. Crouch Unequipped 23. Rotating Running Animations 24. Footstep and Jump Sounds 1. Projectile Weapon Class 2. Fire Montage 3. Fire Weapon Effects 4. Fire Effects in Multiplayer 5. The Hit Target 6. Spawning the Projectile 7. Projectile Movement Component 8. Projectile Tracer 9. Replicating the Hit Target 10. Projectile Hit Events 11. Bullet Shells 12. Shell Physics 2. Blaster HUD and Player Controller 3. Drawing the Crosshairs 4. Crosshair Spread 5. Correcting the Weapon Rotation 6. Zoom While Aiming 7. Shrink Crosshairs when Aiming 8. Change Crosshairs Color 9. Extending the Trace Start 10. Hitting the Character 11. Smooth Rotation for Proxies 13. Automatic Fire 14. Testing the Game 1. Game Framework 2. Health 3. Update Health in the HUD 4. Damage 5. Blaster Game Mode 6. Elim Animation 7. Respawning 8. Dissolve Material 9. Dissolving the Character 10. Dissolving with Curves 11. Disable Movement when Elimmed 12. Elim Bot 13. On Possess 14. Blaster Player State 15. Defeats 1. Weapon Ammo 2. Can Fire 3. Carried Ammo 4. Displaying Carried Ammo 5. Reloading 6. Reloading Combat State 7. Allowing Weapon Fire 8. Updating Ammo 9. Reload Effects 10. Auto Reload 1. Game Timer 2. Syncing Client and Server Time 3. Match State 4. On Match State Set 5. Warmup Timer 6. Updating Warmup Time 7. Custom Match States 8. Cooldown Announcement 9. Restart Game 10. Blaster Game State 1. Rocket Projectiles 2. Rocket Trails 3. Spawning Rocket Trails 4. Rocket Movement Component 5. Hit Scan Weapons 6. Beam Particles 7. Submachine Gun 8. Strap Physics 9. Shotgun 10. Weapon Scatter 11. Sniper Rifle 12. Sniper Scope 13. Grenade Launcher 14. Projectile Grenades 15. Reload Animations 16. Shotgun Reload 17. Weapon Outline Effect 18. Grenade Throw Montage 19. Weapon Attachment while Throwing Grenades 20. Grenade Assets 21. Showing the Attached Grenade 22. Spawning Grenades 23. Grenades in Multiplayer 24. Grenades in the HUD 1. Pickup Class 2. Ammo Pickups 3. Buff Component 4. Health Pickup 5. Healing the Character 6. Speed Buffs 7. Jump Buffs 8. Shield Bar 9. Updating the Shield 10. Shield Buffs 11. Pickup Spawn Point 12.Adding Spawn Points to the Level 13. Spawn Default Weapon 14. Secondary Weapon 15. Swap Weapons 16. Drop the Secondary Weapon 1. Lag Compensation Concepts 2. High Ping Warning 3. Local Fire Effects 4. Show the Widget Locally 5. Replicating Scatter 6. Replicating Shotgun Scatter 7. Shotgun Fire RPCs 8. Client-Side Prediction 9. Client-Side Predicting Ammo 10. Client-Side Predicting Aiming 11. Client-Side Predicting Reloading 12. Server-Side Rewind 13. Lag Compensation Component 14. Hit Boxes 15. Frame Package 16. Saving a Frame Package 17. Frame History 18. Rewinding Time 19. Interp Between Frames 20. Confirming the Hit 21. Score Request 22. Server-Side Rewind for Shotguns 23. Confirming Shotgun Hits 24. Shotgun Score Request 25. Requesting a Shotgun Hit 26. Predict Projectile Path 27. Post Edit Change Property 28. Spawning Projectiles Locally 29. Hit Box Collision Type 30. Projectile Server-Side Rewind 31. Projectile Score Request 32. Limiting Server-Side Rewind 33. Swap Weapon Animation 34. Wrapping up Lag Compensation 35. Cheating and Validation 1. Return to Main Menu 2. Leaving the Game 3. Player Bookkeeping 4. Gaining The Lead 5. Spawning the Crown 6. Elim Announcements 7. Dynamic Elim Announcements 8. Head Shots 9. Projectile Head Shots 10. Head Shots for Server-Side Rewind 1. Teams 2. Teams Game Mode 3. Team Colors 4. Setting Team Colors 5. Preventing Friendly Fire 6. Team Scores 7. Updating Team Scores 8. Teams Cooldown Announcement 1. Capture the Flag 2. Holding the Flag 3. Picking up the Flag 4. Burdening the Flag Bearer 5. Dropping the Flag 6. Team Flags 7. Team Player Starts 8. Capture the Flag Game Mode 9. Select Match Type 10. Accessing our Subsystem 11. Teams and Capture the Flag Maps 1. Congratulations 2. Bonus Lecture

