Entagma – Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials -Rendering 101 - pt. 24- Building Non Photorealistic Shaders In Redshift
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Advanced Setups 00 - Intro
Advanced Setups 01 - Genetic Algorithms
PDG 101 - Pt.1- Course Overview & PDG Basics
PDG 101 - Pt.2- Wedging
PDG 101 - Pt.3- Wedging 2
PDG 101 - Pt.4- Batch Processing
PDG 101 - Pt.5- Problem Solving in TOPs
PDG 101 - Pt.6- Render Manager
PDG 101 - Pt.7- Product Lineup
PDG 101 - Pt.8- Command Line Programs & Texture Synthesis
PDG 101 - Pt.9- HDAs & File Tags
PDG 101 – Pt.10- Online Data & APIs
PDG 101 – Pt.11- Comping in COPs
PDG 101 – Pt.12- Faux 3d printing
PDG 101 – Pt.13- Houdini Engine in UE4
Rendering 101 - pt. 18- Layering Materials (Plus A Bit Of Curvature)
Rendering 101 - pt. 19- Faster GI Using Irradiance Caching & Irradiance Point Clouds
Rendering 101 - pt. 20- Color Space Basics & Intro to ACES
Rendering 101 - pt. 21- Instancing In Redshift (Plus A Bit Of Shading)
Rendering 101 - pt. 22- Instancing Using Redshift Proxies
Rendering 101 - pt. 23- Building A Procedural Wood Shader In Redshift
Rendering 101 - pt. 24- Building Non Photorealistic Shaders In Redshift
Rendering 101 - pt. 25- AOVs In Redshift
Rendering 101 - pt. 26- Contemporary Lighting Styles Pt.1 - The Very Simple Ones
Rendering 101 - pt. 27- Contemporary Lighting Styles Pt.2 - The (Slightly) More Complex Ones
Rendering 101 - pt. 28- Seamless High Key Lighting
Rendering 101 - pt. 30- Redshift In Solaris - Specular Lighting