使用Vulkan和C进行图形开发 -38 - Basic Validation Layers
免费短视频分享大全 - 大中国-被部分浏览器误屏蔽,为保证正常访问,推荐使用Chrome、Edge、Safari等浏览器。
1 - Promo
2 - Welcome
4 - Course Overview
5 - Installing Vulkan SDK
6 - Can I Run It
8 - Installing Visual Studio
9 - Installing Ninja
10 - Installing CMake
11 - Installing Git
12 - Creating Hello World
13 - CMake Dependencies Vulkan
14 - Coding Standard Numbers
15 - Coding Standard Microsoft GSL
17 - Coding Style Google Clang Formatting
18 - Coding Style Course Overrides
19 - Coding Style EditorConfig
21 - What is a Window
22 - Initializing GLFW
23 - Using Precompiled Headers
24 - The Coordinate System 2D Vectors
25 - What are Monitors
26 - Monitor Functions
27 - Extracting Monitor Functionallity
28 - Creating the Window Class
29 - Adding Precompiled Headers Everywhere
30 - Preparing the Window for Vulkan
31 - What is Vulkan
32 - Vulkan Architecture
33 - Creating the Vulkan Instance
34 - Checking Existing Extensions
35 - Refactoring Extensions Check
36 - Functional Programming Tricks
37 - The Instance Summary
38 - Basic Validation Layers
39 - Adding the Spdlog Library
40 - Setting Up the Debug Messenger
41 - Creating a Glfw Error Callback
42 - Reorganize Code Into Regions
43 - Validation Errors Summary
44 - What Are Physical Devices
45 - Getting Physical Devices
46 - Checking for Queue Family Support
47 - Creating Logical Device
48 - Getting the Graphics Queue
49 - Devices Queues Summary
50 - Creating the Surface
51 - Creating the Presentation Queue
52 - Checking Device Extension
53 - Getting Swap Chain Capabilities
54 - Choosing Swap Chain Capabilities
55 - Creating the Swap Chain
56 - Getting Swap Chain Images
57 - Creating Image Views
58 - Presentation Swap Chain Summary
59 - What is a Vertex
60 - What is the Graphics Pipeline
61 - Basic Shader Compilation
62 - CMake Shader Setup
63 - Vertex Fragment Shaders
64 - Visual Studio Extension for GLSL
65 - Shader Includes
66 - Loading Shaders
67 - Viewport Scissoring
68 - Vertex Input Rasterizer
69 - Color Blending Layout
70 - Render Pass
71 - Creating the Pipeline
72 - Graphics Pipeline Summary
73 - Framebuffers
74 - Command Pool Command Buffer
75 - Rendering Commands
76 - Creating Semaphores
77 - Rendering
78 - Resizing the Window
79 - Shader Communication
80 - Shader Variables Adding Color
81 - Color Blending Transparency
82 - Rendering Commands Summary
83 - The Vertex Input Class
84 - Rendering Vertex Buffers
85 - Transient Command Buffers
86 - Abstracting Buffer Creation
87 - Staging GPU Buffers
88 - Index Buffer
89 - Push Constants
90 - Uniform Buffer
91 - Uniform Descriptor Set
92 - Data Buffers Summary
93 - Passing UVs to the Shader
94 - Descriptor Pool for Images
95 - Creating the Sampler
96 - Laying Out the Texture Setup
98 - Loading the Image to Staging
99 - Creating the Image
100 - Transfering the Texture to the GPU
101 - Image View Descriptor Set
102 - Textures Summary
103 - Depth Problem
104 - Enable Depth Testing