UE5风格化场景教程 -2 - 1 Setting up RVTs
免费短视频分享大全 - 大中国-被部分浏览器误屏蔽,为保证正常访问,推荐使用Chrome、Edge、Safari等浏览器。
1 - Introduction
2 - 1 Setting up RVTs
3 - 2 Creating the Landscape Master Material
4 - 3 Modelling the Grass
5 - 4 Creating the Grass Material
6 - 5 Creating Flower Textures
7 - 6 Modelling the Flowers
8 - 7 Finishing the Flowers
9 - 8 Creating the Flower Material
10 - 9 Setting up Lighting and PostProcessing
11 - Creating the Cloud Alphas
12 - Creating Some More Clouds
13 - Setting up the Clouds
14 - Modelling Stylized Rocks
15 - UV Unwrapping and Exporting the Rocks
16 - Texturing the Rocks
17 - Placing the Rocks
18 - Modelling and Texturing the Tree Bark
19 - Adding Leaves
20 - Fixing a Small Issue
21 - Creating the Leaves Material
22 - Creating More Trees
23 - Capturing Portfolio Screenshots and Animations