Uniyt2D动作游戏设计 -6. Respawning.1. Respawn
免费短视频分享大全 - 大中国-被部分浏览器误屏蔽,为保证正常访问,推荐使用Chrome、Edge、Safari等浏览器。
1. Introduction.1. Introduction
2. Player.1. Adding the Player
2. Player.2. Basic Programming
2. Player.3. Player Movement
2. Player.4. Jumping
2. Player.5. Fix Jumping
2. Player.6. Changing Directions
2. Player.7. Adding Animations
2. Player.8. Setting up Animator
2. Player.9. Animations code
2. Player.10. Attack Animation
2. Player.11. Detecting enemies
2. Player.12. Fixing bugs
3. Camera.1. Camera
4. Enviroment.1. Tile Pallete
4. Enviroment.2. Creating Enviroment
4. Enviroment.3. Decorations
5. Health.1. Setting up Health
5. Health.2. Health Mechanics
5. Health.3. HealthUI
5. Health.4. Health System
5. Health.5. Immortality
5. Health.6. Visual Effects
6. Respawning.1. Respawn
6. Respawning.2. CheckPoint
7. Scoring.1. Scoring system
7. Scoring.2. Scoring UI
8. Enemies.1. Setting up enemy
8. Enemies.2. Patrolling
8. Enemies.3. Damaging Player
8. Enemies.4. Enemy Health
8. Enemies.5. Death Animation
8. Enemies.6. Setting up Boss
8. Enemies.7. Boss AI
8. Enemies.8. Fixing Movement
8. Enemies.9. Boss health
8. Enemies.10. Destroy Boss enemies
8. Enemies.11. Damaging player with Boss enemies
8. Enemies.12. Challenge
8. Enemies.13. Solution
9. Menu.1. Main Menu
9. Menu.2. Pause
9. Menu.3. Fixing bugs
10. Levels.1. Adding more levels
10. Levels.2. Level Transition
11. Audio.1. Adding sounds
11. Audio.2. Background Music
12. More Level Mechanics.1. Dash
12. More Level Mechanics.2. One way Platform
12. More Level Mechanics.3. Falling Platform
12. More Level Mechanics.4. Fixing Attack
13. Environment Details.1. Lights
13. Environment Details.2. More environment details
13. Environment Details.3. Particle System
13. Environment Details.4. Building Game